Friday, January 22, 2010

Porphy No Nagai Tabi 02

Finally, here's Porfy no Nagai Tabi 02 with both English and Vietnamese softsubs. in 720p H264.
I decided to stay with MP3 audio rather than transcoding to AAC... seems like a waste... I'd rather not have the audio quality loss - The raws use MP3.
XviD release will come in a couple of days (English only).



Floripes said...

Good to see it being continued....

"E, enquanto mamava gostoso o Gasparzinho, Luísa disse: piroca de fantasma é geladinha!".

Maniac said...

Oh we plan to continue... translation has been started on episode 3 which means you may see another release in a few months (we're super fast), LOL. Seriously we'll hopefully get it out sooner. I think we are still recruiting help for this show if you are interested :P