As for the releases this time, aside from Macurai, I really thank Avery for helping me edit the subs. Translating these videos were not difficult, but the Hatsuyuki Sakura part was quite annoying to me. I feel like Visual Art's and SAGA PLANETS used up their budget for art and music (yeah they got fripSide and I've Sound for the OPs), and thus couldn't afford some decent voice actresses. Doing crossover with Yuzusoft's Dracu-Riot! only made me see how horrible Hatsuyuki Sakura's voice acting is, since the VAs for DR did a great job with their roles.
Anyway, enough ranting. Enjoy the releases while waiting for more Otoboku.
P/S: Only the character song CM has HQ raw. The rest are 360p only.

Character Song Vol.3 CM
Hatsudora Joint Drama + Countdown pack 1
Edit: Mega