At this point, I don't think there are many groups that can beat us in terms of delaying releases (lol). In fact, most of the comments I saw on batoto and elsewhere are about if someone will pick this series up because we "dropped" it. Well, this time it's mainly my fault since I has only resumed this project recently even though the chapter had roughly been typeset more than a year ago. I must admit that it was a tough job to start fixing the typesetting after a looong time. I had to spend a lot of time checking the psd files of previous releases, making notes on the typesetting layout, re-reading previous chapters a few times to keep consistency while scrapping some bad fonts we have used in those chapters.

This release officially marks Ph.D's retirement as an editor of McDonald, making the editor slot for IchiHei empty as of now. I'm not sure how many of you will be interested in helping us, but we are currently looking for people who can replace him. It's okay if you have never used Photoshop before, as long as you are willing to learn how to use it and are patient enough to stick with us for at least a year. We really want to release faster, but it's very difficult to do that because the only editor we have right now is already busy working on two series while doing a part-time job. In addition, we are also looking for another typesetter for half of our projects, so feel free to visit #mcdonald on irchighway and apply if you are interested. Now enjoy your long-awaited Chinese girl speaking Japanese with her thick foreign accent.