Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yamikin Ushjima-kun chapter 2 released

Due to a hell of a lot of class assignments and presentation, I had to delay this release for quite a long time. Chapter 3 will probably be released next month, when I have finished the final exam. Until then, expect no more Ushijima-kun. For now, enjoy the release.

PS : Regarding OxM, I know that many of you are waiting for it, but all of us were busy with exam during recent months. For now, we are trying to finish 8, 9, 10 and 11 as soon as possible, and 12 is being translated. Please be more patient until we release those chapters.



Anonymous said...

By far one of the best mangas coming out. Thank your for your scans.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for the latest chapter

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this manga!