Well, not much to say for this release. We have been desperately trying to recruit members during these past months, but it seems none of the readers bother joining us. ThrynnMaster is now marked as MIA since it's been more than 3 weeks without any trace of him, and PhD still hasn't recovered from his lack of motivation. Anyway, we had ninjaaoanh and Shadow2810 come back recently, so technically we can hold on a little longer, but I can't be sure of anything since they only have a limited amount of vacation time. Maybe it's about time we bring our fansub division back, or I'll just resume Baldr Sky TL project *sigh*.
That aside, here's OxM 17 for you. Because there are still no more raw after chapter 18, we have no need to rush anything. We'll get 18 out when it's done, probably a month later. See ya.