Well, not much to say for this release. We have been desperately trying to recruit members during these past months, but it seems none of the readers bother joining us. ThrynnMaster is now marked as MIA since it's been more than 3 weeks without any trace of him, and PhD still hasn't recovered from his lack of motivation. Anyway, we had ninjaaoanh and Shadow2810 come back recently, so technically we can hold on a little longer, but I can't be sure of anything since they only have a limited amount of vacation time. Maybe it's about time we bring our fansub division back, or I'll just resume Baldr Sky TL project *sigh*.
That aside, here's OxM 17 for you. Because there are still no more raw after chapter 18, we have no need to rush anything. We'll get 18 out when it's done, probably a month later. See ya.
Thanks for the release!
Hey bro, you should send me an email at [email protected] or something. I don't want drama in the blog comments or anything, and you came off as kind of defensive, so we should probably talk about making plans for when the OtoBoku 2 raws show up (we're ordering both volumes when the second volume releases on the 25th to save on shipping).
Thanks for translating such an enjoyable series. I'd gladly like to apply for a position with you guys after my exams. Although I need to learn how to typeset though.
Do you guys still plan on eventually releasing chapter 18? =(
Of course yes, since I have translated up to chapter 20. The problem lies within the typesetter, though, since he's been getting all kind of IRL crap happened to him in a year.
The answer is no, unfortunately. As I said, our typesetter has gone through all kind of IRL crap, and the last one was a data failure. I just sent him the data again 2 weeks ago, so I can't expect him to finish it soon.
If it's about other series, then yes. I know many people are still waiting for OxM, but we have enough people for it already. It's just that our typesetter has been working from the start, and we're giving him the last chance to finish the series before he retires.
I think this will help you guys...its a OXM(raw) http://mh.99770.cc/Comic/4616/ and i can read it so i can help you guys around if you guys want to
Lol, it seems you haven't read all the comments. FYI, I have translated ALL chapters, and we have raws too. They look nice enough, so we don't need to use those horrible Chinese scans (seriously that's the last thing we'd resort to). What matter is to typeset and QC the remaining chapters, which takes long. 18 will be released pretty soon btw.
Well dela if you ever want à typesetter then just ask it to me i just read it on mangafox And i saw That you Guys needed help from somebody That can typeset And i can do That if you want it ofcourse
Oh sorry for the long delay. OxM 18 is already typeset, but lately my parents have been getting in my way, so the quality checking task I'm in charge isn't getting anywhere. If you want to help us typeset manga, we have other projects that you can do. How do you think about that?
Alright i would love to do That if you want my name on mangafox its archdeath so i like to typeset manga for this team
Hope it release now~ can't wait! :D
is chapter 18 really gonna be released?? >.< I really ejoy this manga
It will be. The main problem is that I'm getting IRL problem (trying to find a new job and dealing with my parents), so there'll be no specific release date. Sorry.
Glad to hear the releases are coming out eventually.
Thanks for your hard work on your releases! You're awesome!
have you considered asking another scanlator group to QC the final chapters?
Sorry, but that's something I cannot do. We're working on it atm.
are you guys gonna continue translating this??
because it looks like Oto x Maho is now on volume 4
:[ i only found some chinese scans of chapter 18, 19 and 20
Hi are you guys planning to release Chapter 18, 19 and 20???
been waiting forever xD
and i have a request
can you guys translate the Light Novel of Oto x Maho??
>because it looks like Oto x Maho is now on volume 4
4 is the last volume actually.
>Hi are you guys planning to release Chapter 18, 19 and 20???
Well yes. There's no schedule for 19 & 20, but 18 is coming in 2 weeks. Right now I'm doing the QC and fixing a few mistakes in my old TL. BakaGrappler will probably start typesetting 19 when I get 18 out. As for 20, well, we need an editor w/ good redrawing skill, so it'll take long.
>can you guys translate the Light Novel of Oto x Maho??
I was thinking about that before, but the LN doesn't seem to be easy to translate. Translating it is like rewriting the whole thing because literal translation would sound really horrible. Plus we already have enough projects to work on atm. We may have some plan in the future, but then again, I can't say for sure when we might do it.
ohhhhhh thanks for the reply :]
so 4 is the last volume??
are guys gonna finish the whole series?
Yeah, the manga ended at chapter 20. We definitely will finish the whole series. It's just that it will take long because BakaGrappler wants to typeset it himself. He will be retiring after we finish OxM, so this is pretty much like his last wish, and I don't wanna ruin it.
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