At this point, I don't think there are many groups that can beat us in terms of delaying releases (lol). In fact, most of the comments I saw on batoto and elsewhere are about if someone will pick this series up because we "dropped" it. Well, this time it's mainly my fault since I has only resumed this project recently even though the chapter had roughly been typeset more than a year ago. I must admit that it was a tough job to start fixing the typesetting after a looong time. I had to spend a lot of time checking the psd files of previous releases, making notes on the typesetting layout, re-reading previous chapters a few times to keep consistency while scrapping some bad fonts we have used in those chapters.

This release officially marks Ph.D's retirement as an editor of McDonald, making the editor slot for IchiHei empty as of now. I'm not sure how many of you will be interested in helping us, but we are currently looking for people who can replace him. It's okay if you have never used Photoshop before, as long as you are willing to learn how to use it and are patient enough to stick with us for at least a year. We really want to release faster, but it's very difficult to do that because the only editor we have right now is already busy working on two series while doing a part-time job. In addition, we are also looking for another typesetter for half of our projects, so feel free to visit #mcdonald on irchighway and apply if you are interested. Now enjoy your long-awaited Chinese girl speaking Japanese with her thick foreign accent.
Yay, Ichiro Heian is back!!
Thanks for the release! :D
Thank you for the chapter.
Only two years late!
Thanks for the release though.
Very happy to see a new chapter of this - thanks for the release!
Woah. Didn't see this one coming.
Many thanks, and good luck finding an editor.
Thank you for the release and I hope you guys have a good time finding an editor
Cheers for the chapter, it's great! Hope you'll find an editor ^^
Only 2 more years until a chapter release of Otoboku!
Lol, it won't be that long. We've already delayed for more than two years anw.
Heh, it looks like I was a bit late to the party on this one. At least McDonald got something else out so all the fans know it's not dead :)
Hi Avery! It's been a while. Mind joining me on IRC? I'm planning to do some fansubbing, so I'll need someone to edit the subs.
Not sure when I'd be available for IRC, as my schedule is often prone to immediate appointments that take priority over whatever it is I'm doing at the time. I've been busy preparing for the college year, handling things with financial aid, housing, etc., so I can't really guarantee any appointments for such communication. I'm still more that willing to communicate about everything via email, though, so I'm sure we can work something out :)
Looks like everyone is busy this year, lol. Oh well, I'll contact you by mail when I need proofreading. By the way, something is probably wrong with your Internet, cuz your comments are always automatically marked as spams for some unknown reason.
Oh my. I had given up hope!
Thank you for the release. I shall enjoy this now.
Thank you for the release :)
If you're still interested in translating this project, I can help you clean/typeset, as well as proofread a bit. Drop me a line on vistrans.chatango.com if you're interested. ^^
I just checked your work record. Pretty impressive for a one-man group, I must say. I can visit your site, but it's better to discuss this matter on our channel. I'll have akinator tell you our standard for cleaning and redrawing when you're there, so please talk to him if you see him. If both he and I are not on the channels, please send me a memo or leave a message so that other guys will remind me when I get back. Cheers.
Do you still need help ? As we release the english version of Natsu no Arashi, if you can supply us translations, we can offer you help to any other post ^^
Yeah we still need someone to be able to edit Ichihei since it isn't easy at all. Would you mind going to our IRC channel? I'm at home right now so we can discuss details right away.
any chance chapter5 still available for download? all links are dead, including torrent.
Well, MF deleted my account, so yeah. Anyway, I just reuploaded chapter 5 to mega. If you need previous chapters, just go to our IRC channel and check the topic.
So i was snooping around the artist dicca suemitsus site and lo and behold theyre the artist to one of my favourite yet forgotten manga. Luckily i had your website saved or itd be impossible to find haha. Any news on oto x maho? :x
Good to see you're alive in 2015 too lol
Heh, thanks man. Glad someone still remembers me :D Well, I've been working full-time for nearly two years, so I don't have as much time as I did years ago. Still, I guess I can make a comeback in a few months, after I have some of my real life stuff done. Hope ou can wait until then :)
FYI, OxM 19 is pretty much done. The only thing left is to fix the typesetting and QCing it. The problem is 20 because all of our editors have retired. It'll take a while to find someone capable of redrawing it.
jesus christ im glad i checked back before going to bed, i was not expecting a reply within.... well lets say within the month let alone within 2 hours. Its been a melancholy ride , my last 6 hours on the internet. I've gone back and checked on many mangas that were lost in limbo either dropped by artists or scanlation teams disappearing.
It feels like a miracle to actually get a reply from one of the relics of my manga reading past haha.
Well, if it was, say, 3 years ago, I wouldn't have replied that quickly. I only learned about the power of Thunderbird and RSS when I received job training. Thanks to that, I now don't have to check my blogs to know if there's a new comment on my blogs like before :p
Also thanks for commenting. I rarely get a comment here nowadays :D
well for one, what would people google to find this blog lol
I still remember the last time i went hunting for answers to the mangas that i read but suddenly stopped about 2 years ago, this website was extremely hard to find. Especially around that time mangaupdates decided to remove all direct links to scanlation websites.
Of course now that i go and simply google mcdonald translation, you're the second link down, kinda contrasts what i remember but meh.
I'll be around, I never like to drop things halfway so it's good to see someone still cares about this manga :)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Pulse! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Still kickin' bud?
Uh oh, sorry man. I still have some stuff to sort out first.
haha all good, just wondering if you were still alive and well :)
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