Sorry for being so slow. We intended to release faster, but we had to delay this due to many unexpected problems. Right now we're starved of proofers for HnG and some other projects, so please join us if your English is good enough. We also need to thank Charkan on mangahelpers for reuploading raw for chapter 5, 6 and special. Here is the release.
Yo, I don't know why but your whole site is in like "Đăng Nhận xét về" language, kinda hard to navigate. Anyway I'm decent at English and if you need a proofer i'll look at the stuff
I don't have any decent ability with photoshop, but my English is fairly good. Where can we contact you for interest in proofing?
I don't know any Vietnamese though.
Alright, I changed the settings to American English. You can go to our IRC channel or contact me at [email protected]. We're having nearly 10 scripts that need proofings.
I'm american so I have a good knowledge of english. Also I know very little japanese and chinese, but that's it.
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