As promised in the previous releases, here are chapter 5 & SP1, which conclude the first volume of Otoboku 2. The special chapter is mainly edited by ThrynnMaster, our new editor. Also, starting from chapter 5, we'll use stick with the raw+script format until scanned raws are out. You will have to extract the text file in the archive before you can read it along with the pictures. This, of course, is much more inconvenient compared to reading scanlations, but it also means we can release at a much faster pace because no cleaning or typesetting is required. Volume 2 will be on sale on June 25, and I will probably have it at home in July if the shipping goes smoothly enough. During that time, we will work on OxM and a new project, for which we currently have no typesetter. If you are interested in helping us, leave your email address here or visit #mcdonald on irchighway. Here are the members that you may want talk to if you want to join :
- PhD (main editor)
- Macurai (proofreader)
- YukiN (translator in reserve)
- ThrynnMaster (editor) (Heck, where has he been for nearly 2 weeks?!)
- delacroix01 (me)
One more thing, OxM 17 is being QCed. We'll probably be able to release it next week.
DDLChapter 5Special chapterTorrentsChapter 5Special chapter
Nice. Thanks a lot SRW for the release! I really like Otoboku and I appreciate your work!
Advice for the "raws"-provider: Please, cut your nails!! (at least when your taking shots of them)
This is so ghetto I find it hard to believe this isn't an april fools joke
Please cut your nails.
The only release I've downloaded for the sake of looking at someone's nail.
why did you go to the effort of taking all those pics? its not like the words are big enough for us to read...
>Advice for the "raws"-provider: Please, cut your nails!! (at least when your taking shots of them)
>Please cut your nails.
Haha, I knew someone would say that. But well, the nail of my thumb has its use and I need it xD
>why did you go to the effort of taking all those pics? its not like the words are big enough for us to read...
That's why I included the text script, lolz. Taking around 30 pics is nothing compared to taking like 600 pics when I translated previous chapters btw. Or would you like to wait 2 years without anyone scan the raw? >:)
Are you planning on re-doing chapter five when you find the time?
Only if scanned raw is available. This series isn't very popular, you know. Remember that it took years for Otoboku 1's raw to be scanned. Otoboku 2 is of no exception.
It isn't very popular as of yet, before it was simply unheard of but with each new chapter that comes out people are starting to discuss it.
I do believe it could shine if given the chance and I know that many are looking forward to each new chapter.
Thank you for your hard work o/
I'm really looking for the next chapter >w<
while i thank you for the release, tbh i would rather wait for a decent quality scan as i found it rather unreadable this way
While I'm still waiting for more scanlations, I want to just thank you for all that you've done for the sake of translating this series so far. Where I live, it is nearly impossible to find even the book itself, and I am a huge fan of the series. I know that it is not very popular yet, but I have truly enjoyed it so far and I often search to see if there are any updates on the release of the anime for Otoboku 2 (no luck yet, but I'm still hoping!). You have been the only way for me to view and understand this content (Sadly, I am only fluent in English and can speak decent Spanish, but no other languages) and I am filled with joy whenever you release more of it. Even though I can't understand it, I also look at the untranslated content that you share, and I am grateful for that as well. If you ever read this, please know that this message is true. Keep up the good work!
Well, Otoboku 2 anime is currently in production. Perhaps we'll get to see it next year. And don't worry. We'll get ready to continue with Otoboku 1 & 2 when we're done with IchiHei.
Wow, you respond quickly even though it's been almost a month since the last comment! Thanks for the info, and keep doing what you do!
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