From now on, all of our fansub projects will be stalled for at least a month. The main reason for this is because each of us is having his/her own problems.
- Yukira, our main distro, has been playing Pangya for a week, and he cannot seed the torrents while playing. Moreover, my Internet is very bad. I can only seed small manga releases. Thus, we will not release any fansubs until Yukira gets bored with the game.
- Zeddy, one of our manga editors, has been playing Tears to Tiara for a while. There's only shadow to clean the raw manga right now.
- vl, the translator of Index (Vietnamese only), has been fapping with some MAD videos on youtube.
- lyse has turned to DESPAIR mode for a month, and he will not be able to translate SRW into Vietnamese until he solves his problem.
- Rebie needs some lessons about how to translate properly. I think I'll need to ask Ryu to lecture him.
- Most of the staff members are fapping with a bunch of new anime lately.
- And me, the group leader, has been playing Baldr Sky for 2 weeks. And I have also a bunch of class assignments to do. Right now I can only save a little of time to translate manga. I rarely play games because there are not many games that can make me play a lot, but when I play a game, it'll take a lot of time. If you want to blame something or someone, then blame Baldr Sky for being damn great and GIGA for creating such an addictive game. See ya!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hayate no Gotoku chapter 218

Sorry for the late. We got some problems with editing as well as proofing lately. We are still searching for proofers, cleaner and typesetter, because Zeddy and WKK will not be able to work on this manga for a few months. Currently, we have only 1 typesetter and 1 cleaner, while we need at least 3 to do it fast enough. If you wanna help, please visit our IRC channel on 8 to 10PM (GMT+7). Thanks for reading.
Note that WKK was the editor of this chapter, so she updated on mangaupdates as Enigma!, but actually we were doing this together.
About 196, volume 19 tankoubon hasn't been scanned yet, so we're still waiting for it.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Oto x Maho chapter 3

Because Zeddy had some problems, we set shadow2810 as the main editor for this manga, and he's doing quite good. Here's chapter 3. Enjoy the epic trap.
By the way, I typed the wrong irc server on tokyotosho by accident. It should be irchighway, not rizon. :P
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 OP/ED

Among the PS2 DVDs I've ripped, perhaps this is the DVD with the best video quality. Moreover, the opening is the best SRW OP ever. Gunbuster, Genesic Gaogaigar, EVA-01, Gaiking, Ideon, Daimos, Raideen, Daitarn 3... All mechs look great in the video. I hope you will all enjoy the large-scale battle, just like I did. Here are the torrents :
Cut-scene (Exelion's warp-out)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Small guide about us
Here is some information about us and our release that you may need to know :
1/ We are one among the slowest groups. We often stall our projects for very long. We may be even slower than Ayu. However, we never drop our projects. Therefore, if you intend to watch our releases, you will have to wait. IF you cannot wait, get other groups' releases. There's no use yelling at us for being slow.
2/ We do not claim to be perfect. In fact, nobody is. However, we always check other groups' releases in order to improve our releases as much as possible. We rarely use ISOs because our Internet isn't capable of getting that stuff. Instead, we use DVD rips or BD rips with reasonable quality from raw rippers. We take a lot of time for the subs before it's more important. We have enough of translation checkers to make sure of the translation, and that's what make our releases better than DVD ripping groups without TLCers. We also do the typesetting and timing carefully, so you don't have to worry about this.
3/ We do not sub an anime if it is already well-subbed. Whenever we decide to do a project, that means other groups' releases have problems, especially about the translation accuracy.
4/ If you say that any of our Vietnamese releases has worse translation than an English-Vietnamese cross translation, you obviously don't know any Japanese to begin with. English-Vietnamse cross translating is even worse than Chinese-Vietnamese cross translating. The maximum accuracy you can get when translating from English is only 60% of a direct Japanese-Vietnamse translation, no matter how good your English is. That's why we always translate from Japanese.
5/ We do not sub new shows. We don't want to be disappointed and then drop the show after finding out that it's a shitty show, like what [MF] did. Moreover, we want to wait for the OP/ED singles, as well as DVD or Blu-ray with better animation. We only use TV rips if the show happens to have very good animation and video quality.
6/ You will never get a fast download speed from our distros. If you care about download speed so badly, you will probably never get our releases. In fact, distributing is our biggest weak point. Yukira, our main distro, has slow Internet, and he also needs to download things for himself. Don't worry if you see the first seed is offline. He'll eventually come back to seed until the torrent has enough seeds.
7/ For manga projects, we often don't really care about quality like with fansubs, so we will push our releases as fast as possible.
8/ Our IRC channel is for discussing between staff members. You may ask our members about anything related to our releases if you want, but don't ask for IRC bots. We don't provide any distro bot on our channel. One more thing, if you insult Nagi when you are in our channel, we will kick you out or ban you, no matter who you are. So please remember.
9/ Most shows we picked are already licensed. If you care so much about license shit, you are not welcomed here. Do not come here just to tell us that we are violating the law. Most of us are in Vietnam and those shows aren't licensed here, and many companies that licensed anime and manga are just doing shit. As long as their goods aren't good, we will continue violating the law.
10/ Shitty comments that piss us off will get deleted.
That's all. Thanks for reading.
1/ We are one among the slowest groups. We often stall our projects for very long. We may be even slower than Ayu. However, we never drop our projects. Therefore, if you intend to watch our releases, you will have to wait. IF you cannot wait, get other groups' releases. There's no use yelling at us for being slow.
2/ We do not claim to be perfect. In fact, nobody is. However, we always check other groups' releases in order to improve our releases as much as possible. We rarely use ISOs because our Internet isn't capable of getting that stuff. Instead, we use DVD rips or BD rips with reasonable quality from raw rippers. We take a lot of time for the subs before it's more important. We have enough of translation checkers to make sure of the translation, and that's what make our releases better than DVD ripping groups without TLCers. We also do the typesetting and timing carefully, so you don't have to worry about this.
3/ We do not sub an anime if it is already well-subbed. Whenever we decide to do a project, that means other groups' releases have problems, especially about the translation accuracy.
4/ If you say that any of our Vietnamese releases has worse translation than an English-Vietnamese cross translation, you obviously don't know any Japanese to begin with. English-Vietnamse cross translating is even worse than Chinese-Vietnamese cross translating. The maximum accuracy you can get when translating from English is only 60% of a direct Japanese-Vietnamse translation, no matter how good your English is. That's why we always translate from Japanese.
5/ We do not sub new shows. We don't want to be disappointed and then drop the show after finding out that it's a shitty show, like what [MF] did. Moreover, we want to wait for the OP/ED singles, as well as DVD or Blu-ray with better animation. We only use TV rips if the show happens to have very good animation and video quality.
6/ You will never get a fast download speed from our distros. If you care about download speed so badly, you will probably never get our releases. In fact, distributing is our biggest weak point. Yukira, our main distro, has slow Internet, and he also needs to download things for himself. Don't worry if you see the first seed is offline. He'll eventually come back to seed until the torrent has enough seeds.
7/ For manga projects, we often don't really care about quality like with fansubs, so we will push our releases as fast as possible.
8/ Our IRC channel is for discussing between staff members. You may ask our members about anything related to our releases if you want, but don't ask for IRC bots. We don't provide any distro bot on our channel. One more thing, if you insult Nagi when you are in our channel, we will kick you out or ban you, no matter who you are. So please remember.
9/ Most shows we picked are already licensed. If you care so much about license shit, you are not welcomed here. Do not come here just to tell us that we are violating the law. Most of us are in Vietnam and those shows aren't licensed here, and many companies that licensed anime and manga are just doing shit. As long as their goods aren't good, we will continue violating the law.
10/ Shitty comments that piss us off will get deleted.
That's all. Thanks for reading.
Super Robot Wars Alpha 2 Opening/Ending
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Another Century's Episode 2 Opening

Well, the PS2 Emulator has improved lately, so I tried some old games. Here's the raw version of ACE2 OP, featuring the song by Aiuchi Rina, named Glorious. We'll release more PS2 rips soon. Cheers!
Edit : If you want the subbed version, you will have to wait for very long. There are many series in this game, so I cannot do it alone without Ryu. Also, please delete the v1 and get the v2 if you don't know how to fix it.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
School Rumble episode 3

It has been a year since I released 02. Many people might think that we have dropped this series, so I think I'll have to repeat this : We DO NOT drop any series for any reasons. Moreover, it was really a wise choice for me to learn Japanese before doing this again. Now I'm very happy to tell that our releases can completely replace WF-KAA's. Because of the development of technology, we are now able to produce releases with similar quality, and much better typesetting and more corrected translation. We removed our old shitty logo because real fansubbers don't need credits. Episode 1 and 2 will be remade when we complete this series in order to keep consistency. Please wait until then.
Edit : Darn it! I didn't notice some minor errors in the ED. Please download the v2 and delete the v1. Also, fuck you 50119. >:)
XviD (v2)
H264 (E)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Baldr Sky Dive 1 : Lost Memory OP/EDs

To tell the truth, the quality of the raw wasn't as good as I expected. The ones who made the DVD overcompressed the MPEG-1 files in order to fit them on a DVD5, resulting in mosquito noises all over the places. I took quite a while to get rid of about half of them. However, I didn't clean all of them, because I might have blurred too much of the video if I did that. Nevertheless, I think these releases look less annoying than the original ones. Here are the torrents :
Chinatsu Ending
Nanoha Ending
Rain Ending
Dive 2 Preview
Edit : Luckily, the quality of the OP and the preview of Dive 2 is much better than the EDs'. Enjoy and support GIGA if you can.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hayate no Gotoku chapter 191-195 LQ

Sorry for being so late. We had some problems finding editors for this series. For the time being, we release these chapters as the LQ version. There are still lots of minor errors in these releases, but at least I think they're enough to read once. The remake version will come later, from chapter 163, and will be real HQ releases. We're still searching for typesetters, cleaners and proofers. Apply if you wanna help. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Oto x Maho chapter 2

Alright. I'm really tired because our editor, Nakiami, is very bad at fixing typos even though I did tell him exactly what to do. Right now we need one more typesetter for OxM to help us do the job faster and better. You can visit #mcdonald or #hyena-scans on irchightway. Talk to fiva55 if you want to join. For HnG, we're in need of at least 2 more editors and proofers for both the LQ and the upcoming HQ version. Apply if you wanna help too. Thanks for reading. Btw, this is the real release, not a joke.
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