Well, the PS2 Emulator has improved lately, so I tried some old games. Here's the raw version of ACE2 OP, featuring the song by Aiuchi Rina, named Glorious. We'll release more PS2 rips soon. Cheers!
Edit : If you want the subbed version, you will have to wait for very long. There are many series in this game, so I cannot do it alone without Ryu. Also, please delete the v1 and get the v2 if you don't know how to fix it.
the thing isn't subbed? >_> damn, I was expecting karaokes D:
and add more grain next time, things look blocky as shit >_>
The grain made it look like shit. I had to remove a lot of them. The res is only 640x448. What the hell do you expect it to be?
grain is good >_>
Not always. It looks terrible on Toradora, and so to this. I rather see small blocks than tons of grain.
I'm the opposite :P
Well, that's just a matter of taste. I actually don't like to see grain often. We currently have 3 encoders. Each have his own way of encoding. Don't force me to do what I don't wanna do.
I'm talking to you as a leecher asking for what he wants :D whether to do it or not is your choice :P
Well, whatever. I cannot please everyone, so I'll go with what I want to do. Anyway, stop talking here. I'm tired enough of my assignment already. :|
@50119 : why not doing this , open ya PS2 and insert the ACE2 disc then sit back ... that would be faster leeching lol ( and watching )
@KKK: it's slower than just sitting back and imagining things :D
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