It has been a year since I released 02. Many people might think that we have dropped this series, so I think I'll have to repeat this : We DO NOT drop any series for any reasons. Moreover, it was really a wise choice for me to learn Japanese before doing this again. Now I'm very happy to tell that our releases can completely replace WF-KAA's. Because of the development of technology, we are now able to produce releases with similar quality, and much better typesetting and more corrected translation. We removed our old shitty logo because real fansubbers don't need credits. Episode 1 and 2 will be remade when we complete this series in order to keep consistency. Please wait until then.
Edit : Darn it! I didn't notice some minor errors in the ED. Please download the v2 and delete the v1. Also, fuck you 50119. >:)
XviD (v2)
H264 (E)
> We removed our old shitty logo because real fansubbers don't need credits.
Lolz, it's just "lol".
Lol, it may sound funny but it's true.
real fansubbers don't use Xvid :P
Lol, that's because people want it =)) I originally did only h264
fansub is not a service to provide ppl with free illegal animu.
real fansubbers won't care about ppl.
I like that =]
To the faggot above 50119 : That's just your lame idea, you fucking lame ass. Care about people or not doesn't matter. I don't care where you came from, and who you are. I don't care if you are a fansubber or not. However, thanks to many faggots with shitty mind like yours, many great shows got dropped or no subs. We resumed this project not because people yelled at us, but because we felt like doing it. So if you don't wanna watch our releases, why did you visit this site just to spam a shit like that? Just to piss us off? And you didn't even dare show your identity. Lol, that's so lame. We at least do the job better than KAA did with their huge staff back then, and we don't drop. We don't care how long it may take. We just sub the show. Remember that on this site, WE are justice. You are not the one to say we are not worthy because you don't do anything. Any further shitty comments like that will get deleted when I see them. Yep, I'll definitely delete them.
@50119 : Enough talking about this matter. We need to concentrate on our work. Don't make things worse with unnecessary comments. Remember YOU are also one of our members.
one final post :P
@delacroix01: well I actually think his (or her?) idea was good indeed. Why not do what he suggested and not give it a shit what he said then just "lol your comment was amusing"? xD~ Getting angry at those comments will just:
1. give you a bad mood
2. give the spammer a laugh
3. "yes, you won't achieve anything"
And you was seriously pissed D: the guy did quite a nice job provoking you >:)
ok I'll stop here before you have an urge to rape me D:
1. I've often in bad mood to begin with. That doesn't matter.
2+3. I don't care. However, that was my last warning. He'll know the consequence if he does that again. I'm doing fansub to improve my language skills because I wanna become a professional translator. He can talk bad about us anywhere he wants, but not on this site.
Okay. Stop right there, or I'll seriously rape you with a lot of work.
Lol ... too hot head eh ??
i think only one can get on della's laughing nerv is some special .... one , and della >< why not telling me about this ?? resume of SR .. yea SR it is school rumble ... not Super Robot hoho
@50119 : so you got raped anyway eh ???
"We removed our old shitty logo because real fansubbers don't need credits "
well about this ... for those guys who want da credits ... telling ya guys ... ya dont want to know it ... really .. trust me .. ya dont want to know ... it is the truth ... better not knowing that
Haha, so you came, Ryu?
..... well ... " got raped " and " came " .... lol
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